At this point in life, our personality cheese has aged to the point of actively *not* seeking a cannabis smoke sesh that might risk getting us baked beyond belief and sending us into a free-falling case of the Weed Scaries. Taxes? Healthcare? The shadow in that one corner that looks like Meghan McCain’s cursed hair?!? We just don’t need the mind tornado. Plus, it takes twice as long for us to spring back to life the next day. If only, we sitcom-dad sighed, there was a way to smoke some weed-y stuff with a lower, more gentle percentage of the high we got as teens.

Read the full article on Vice.

With the cannabis industry challenges in generating a larger audience, Prismatics provides cannabis marketing that exceeds industry standards. There are a wide variety of cannabis products and the market size for CBD and cannabis is becoming an essential business, promotion through social media and creating brand awareness is vital for business growth and opportunities.